
Class Structure FAQs

Here are some common questions about our term 5 class structure.

What should I expect from each lesson?
Each class has a maximum of 32 children with 4 coaches (1:8 ratio) in Jurong and a maximum of 16 gymnasts with 2 coaches at Dempsey.
PlayTots (6 months - 4 years) are 2 hours long and the sessions are accompanied by the parents. It is a free play session with a supervisor. No skills will be taught. 

Gymtots (2-3 years), Kinder Tots (3-4 years) and FUNdamental (5-10 years) gymnastics classes will last 1 hour. Gymnasts will be warmed up for the first 10 minutes of their session, followed by approximately 5 minutes of stretching. After the group warm up coaches will continue on the apparatus. The main teaching section of the class will be taught on different equipment rotating around 3 times either as a circuit or set up as stations, each of them lasting for about 15 minutes. The session will be conducted with a group cool down and dismissal. Higher level and senior age gymnastics classes (11-16 years) last 1.5 hours. They will warm up for 20 minutes, then rotate around 3 pieces of apparatus, spending 20 minutes on each piece, before completing conditioning and cooling down at the end of the session.

Freestyle classes follow the recreational gymnastics structure 7-10 years Junior class runs for 1 hours, seniors (11-16 years) and higher level Junior Intermediate classes run for 1.5 hours.

Ninja classes also follow the recreational gymnastics structure. Ninja Tots (3-4 years) and White Band (5-10 years) classes last for 1 hour. The higher level classes are 1.5 hours long.

Trampoline classes are all 1 hour long sessions for all ages and abilities.

Tumbling classes are 1 hour long for Fundamental and Intermediate level and 1.5 hours for the Advanced level.

Adult Gymnastics sessions (16+ years) are 2 hours long.

Will my 10 years old child be in the same group as a 5 years old? What can I do?

Yes and No.

Yes - Parens register their children into the same group on IClassPro and the session starts at the same time.

No - Coaches divide the group into different smaller groups according to their age or ability.

Although children belong to the same level, their maturity and their abilities might vary between a complete beginner who just signed up and someone who almost passed the assessment.

Merging ages will help our customers with multiple children or to whom are sharing pick up/drop off responsibilities.

Should you be still concerned, please feel free to approach our Front of House who can advise on existing age ranges in the class you are wishing to sign up to. In case you are not satisfied, you then will be advised a different day/time where the registered children are older/younger.

What if you have only 1 coach for the 5-10 years group? How will my child progress within the class?

On certain “unpopular’ days or times it may happen that we only have interest to run gymnastics class with 1 coach. In this case children will range from 5-10 years for 1 coach. However this should not cause a major issue as all our coaches are experienced and able to allocate personalised tasks making sure everyone in the class receives quality coaching. Since we also divide our attendees into different ability levels, most of the participants in these classes should work on very similar skills therefore progression is predictable. In any case, should you not be satisfied with the quality of the class or you feel you are not comfortable having older/younger children in the same class, please do not hesitate to approach our customer service team who will advise you on alternative days and times. Please note, all our classes are subject to availability and we are not able to exceed our ratios.

What does your yearly structure look like?

Our year contains 6 x 8 weeks terms. We recognise that besides continuous development gymnasts are also looking for short or medium term goals and want to experience a variety of events. For us to be able to offer diverse and most of all fun programs, we structure our year as follows:

Term 1: Assessments, opportunity to move up a level

Term 2: Recreational Gymnastics Competition, where gymnasts can showcase their talent

Term 3: Assessments, opportunity to move up a level

Term 4: Recreational Gym Challenge, bring that challenge on!

Term 5: Assessments, opportunity to move up a level

Term 6: End of year Christmas Show, enjoy your child’s performance on a friendly and merry event at The Yard Singapore

Please note, due to the pandemic, our events may or may not go ahead. Where events can not be on, we will try to replace them with alternative options where children feel they work towards goals other than the regular sessions. Dates to be confirmed, please stay tuned!

Will my child get a certificate every evaluation?

We have moved away from our certificates for assessments, and children will now be awarded a medal in relation to the level that they achieve, be it Bronze, Silver or Gold.

How does the level system work alongside the other programs? Can my child move between gymnastics/ninja/trampoline/freestyle/tumbling or will they need to start again?

You are welcome to move between different disciplines or even attend more than one of them. However the skills and equipment used are very different so we advise that you register your child for the beginner level upon joining, unless there is a previous experience. If you feel your child is not at a beginner level, please still register your child onto our beginner level and if the coach evaluates your child as a higher level, you will be contacted with an option to move to. Alternatively, you will receive a detailed evaluation at each assessment period.

How does warrior/gladiator level differ from competitive classes?

Our higher level recreational gymnastics classes are invite only and focus more on skills development. You are able to register for several occasions throughout the week (subject to availability) to speed up the learning process. These classes still focus on progressing higher level gymnastics skills, other than fitness and fun. Anyone wishing to move to competitive gymnastics will require, year around commitment attending on multiple days up to 24 hours a week. Gymnasts will also be required to purchase competitive attire and commit to a number of competitions a year, as our competitive gymnasts are very much focused on attending competitions as well as working on developing gymnastics skills. Participants are required to attend at least 80% of the classes and also commit to in house training camps and clinics.

My child is now 3, 5, 11, 17. Do I have to change class for a more appropriate age range?
No. If your child reaches the age where she/he can move into the next appropriate age range, you have a choice. Feel free to take a trial session into the next group and if suitable, the child can move. However we do not want to force customers/children to change the group if parents, children or coaches do not think the child is ready to move yet. In this case, feel free to continue in your current session.
If you and the coach decide that the movement is appropriate, your child then may move from the next term. E.g. Your child turns 5 in week 6 of the current term, your child must finish the current term and start in the new age group from term 1 in the following term. As we are working with cycles and structured lesson plans, it is strongly advised to finish the term where the child started.
When will class times change? Every month or term?

Class times will stay permanent throughout the year. You will only need to change day/time if your child passes the assessment and ready to move up a level.

Still need help? Send us a note!

For any other questions, please write us at enquiries@theyard.com.sg or call us on +65 6816 8022