
New Member FAQs

Here's some frequently asked questions about our brand new term.

I want to sign up for gymnastics. Can I join anytime?

Yes, bookings are open continuously and your course fee will be prorated depending on your start date. However since we run structured classes where we follow set lesson plans, work towards pre-allocated events and complete assessments only on certain weeks we strongly advise our customers to join at the beginning of each term. This will allow your child to maximise performance and to be included in all our events. Please note, bookings are subject to availability as we operate on a strict 1:8 ratio (1 coach:8 children) - 1:6 ratio for KinderTots - and we are unable to exceed our classes.

How do I sign up?

Please visit our website: www.theyard.sg. You will need to create a new account to be registered on our online home portal: “iClassPro”. After registration you are able to manage your bookings, view your child’s assessment results, book trials, make up classes, holiday camps and much more online in your own time. We charge a one off life-time registration fee of $60.00.

Do you charge registration fee?

Yes. We charge a one off life-time registration fee of $60.00. This amount must be paid at the time of your first registration only. This fee is non-refundable and you are not able to offset it against any course booking.

Can I register for a specific time?

Yes, you are able to register for your preferred days and time through our online home portal, iClassPro. Please note, spaces are subject to availability. We operate with a 1:6 ratio for our kinder tots classes and 1:8 ratio for all other classes. We are unable to exceed the ratio as we are here to provide high quality and productive classes. Should your preferred class be full, not to worry! Please register for our waiting list and we shall notify you as soon as we can offer you a space. In the meantime, you are welcome to register for alternative days so your child can start gymnastics sessions with us as soon as you wish.

Will there be options for different days/times? I feel you offer limited options.
Yes and No. 
No, as we run a very busy schedule and all our sessions are linked to each other. We accommodate various disciplines and levels within our gymnastics hall and changing session times is unlikely.
Yes, we are still accepting new members and growing our numbers. If we have lots of interests for certain days and times, we will add in new classes if these are not in class with our existing classes.
Should you have any wishes please do not hesitate to contact our friendly front of house team and we will be in contact with you. In the meantime you may register into one of our existing classes so your child can start learning gymnastics right away.
Can I sign up for a trial? Competitive or recreational?

Yes. You can register for a recreational gymnastics trial on our online home portal, iClassPro by visiting our website: www.theyard.sg. Please note, spaces are subject to availability. If you are interested to register for higher level recreational or competitive gymnastics trial, please contact our customer service team on +65 6816 8022 (Jurong) and +65 6914 9660 (Dempsey). Alternatively you can email enquiries@theyard.com.sg.

Do you offer bus services to your venue after school?

Some of the international and local schools offer bus services to our venues after school. Please contact your schools to find out more information about it.

What is your code of conduct for gymnasts?
  • Do NOT enter the gym unless you have been instructed to do so by coach
  • Remove shoes before entry into gym
  • Treat your coaches and fellow gymnasts with respect
  • Treat the equipment with respect
  • Gymnasts must not use inappropriate language 
  • If you have an accident or illness – you must tell your coach
  • Gymnasts must not eat during a gym session - only still water is permitted
What is your code of conduct for parents?
  • Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results. Help them to enjoy their sport and never force your child to take part
  • Always ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the activity and has plenty to drink
  • Be on time and always collect your child promptly at the end of a session
  • Please do not enter the gym unauthorised – if you wish to talk to the coach please wait until the gymnastics session has finished
  • You must accept the coaches’ judgements, please do not be abusive to the gymnastics coaches
  • Please do not shout from the side of the gym as this will disrupt the gymnastics class
  • Please do not use photography (If you wish to take photos of your child in the gym, you must get prior written consent from the Management)
What is your gym attire?

Gymnasts are expected to attend training in the appropriate attire. Failure to conform will prohibit the individual’s participation.

  • Leotards -  tracksuits or shorts/leggings and t-shirts (not baggy) 
  • No skirts, dresses, jeans, hoodies allowed and avoid zips, buttons and strings
  • Bare feet or gym shoes (socks for trampoline classes)
  • Long hair must be tied up and short hair must be held back from face. Hair in the face blocks field vision and is therefore a safety hazard
  • No jewellery allowed (including stud earrings)
  • Medical or Religious Bracelets: must be sufficiently covered with protective tape, sweatbands or similar
  • Medical or Religious  Necklaces: no athlete can participate whilst wearing necklaces
  • Jewellery that cannot be removed: must be sufficiently covered with protective tape, sweatbands or similar
  • If your child has any transferable skin conditions, e.g. verruca, please cover it with sufficient material (socks) to prevent reinfection and please alert the coaches
Do you have a lateness policy? What if my child is late from class?

Yes. We allow 15 minutes lateness from our classes. Admission after 15 minutes will be denied as gymnasts must complete the compulsory warm up. If denied from entering, you may sign up for a make-up class within that month. Please note, make-up spots are subject to availability.