
Coaches FAQs

Here are some common questions we received regarding our coaches.

Consistency of coaches, will my child be seeing the same coach for all of his/her class?

Coaches are not stated on IClass however all coaches have a regular schedule. Your child will have the same coach for her/his class and we will provide consistency as much as possible. However there will be occasions when different coaches will take your class. We run gymnastics sessions at 6 different locations and it is important for us to maintain the business for all our loyal customers. Therefore in certain situations, such as sickness, annual leave, national service, competitions or training courses, we will move coaches around. However as all coaches are following the same centralised lesson plan, do not worry! Your child will still be challenged and progressed with the same quality as with the regular coach. Please note, all our coaches are qualified and capable of leading all assigned gymnastics sessions.

Can I request a coach? If I pay for the class, do I have the right to choose the coach?

No. Customers are booking gymnastics sessions and unable to request specific coaches. All our coaches are qualified and follow the same lesson plans so your child receives the same high quality treatment. However we understand your child might get attached to certain coaches. If this is the case, please feel free to approach the front desk or the coaches personally to find out their schedule.

What do I do if my child doesn't like their current coach?

All our coaches are approachable so if your child doesn’t bond with any of the coaches, please feel to speak to them on how the relationship can be improved. Should you feel it is not possible, then your child can be moved to an alternative group. Some of our classes operate with multiple coaches so the move can be easily completed. However it might be the case that we will advise you to transfer to another day or time should that suit you better. Please note, movements are subject to availability. We treat all feedback seriously, good or bad, so if you have a comment on any of our staff please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

I need to speak to my child’s gymnastics instructor. How do I go about doing this?
Our coaches always try to make themselves available at the beginning and the end of any session for you to talk to them. They are all very approachable and do what they can to help you with your query. They also offer advice on skills to practice at home to help your child to pass the next assessment. However please note, due to the pandemic, we would like to minimise personal contact as much as possible. This is to protect our staff and customers. Therefore instead of face-to-face enquiry we encourage our customers to contact our coaches via email or phone call. Please get in touch with our front of house team and they will forward your query on to the specific coach who will contact you within 48 hours.

Still need help? Send us a note!

For any other questions, please write us at enquiries@theyard.com.sg or call us on +65 6816 8022